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Chart Title

Chart Title: This video contains how to make changes of chart Title in OPNBI.


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Read 5 minutes tutorial here.

dash box

  1. Chart title is used to add title into a chart, to enable chart title user needs to click on toggle button and make it true.

    dash box

The function control will appear as user clicks on toggle button as shown in the above figure.

  • Text control used to add title text in chart widget, it will be added automatically on top of the pie chart by default.

  • Font Size used to add font size as per user requirements.

  • Font Weight controls the weight of font in chart title.

  • Color control Used to add color in chart title, you can also add color code to add color option in chart.

  • Align control used to set title alignment in widget from Left, Right, or Center.

  • Backgound control Used to add background color in chart title.

  • Background Opacity used to set opacity of the background color in widget.

    To know more about other formatting properties click on below links:-

1. Formatting Property​

2. Chart Appearance​

3. Chart Tooltip​

4. Color and Theme Property​

5. Dynamic Dataset Color​

6. Export Filename​

7. Global Thousand and Decimal Separator​

8. Include Null Value​